The Harper Government is very efficient, and dedicated to ensuring that you can easily communicate with us. There is no need to know who your local MP is or even need to know what cabinet minister might be responsible for what particular issue. We will gladly receive all your correspondence at one single address and phone number, so you never have to worry about the contact information of the other 307 Members of Parliament. They all have no real power any way.
Please feel free to send all questions and comments directly to our Dear Prime Minister at:
Office of our Dear Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
Your concerns will immediately be read by a member of the Senate (who really has nothing better to do anyway) then, sent to the Head of the privy council, and then on the the PMO and our Dear Prime Minister Harper's personal secretary, who will then use your comments to line the bird cage of the Prime Ministers budgie. If the bird is moved by your comment, his response will sent back via regular mail. Please expect 4 - 6 years for a reply. To contact the editor of the website please send and email to